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About me

 Charanam Sharanam Gachhaami!

I am Garima Jain from Palampur, Himachal Pradesh. I am a data scientist by profession and currently live in Amsterdam, Holland. My parents, brother and I have been practising P3Y since the year 2000. We are blessed to have been taught P3Y by Retired IG Sri Jaswant Monga Ji.

I have seen impossible miracles happen to me by doing P3Y. Two of the biggest things that have happened in my life through P3Y are-
1. I stood 1st in Himachal in 10th Board Exams (across all boards) and had 4th rank all over India. I studied strictly according to the P3Y method. 
2. I had been suffering from terrible anxiety and depression since 2016. I had not spoken with Monga Ji for 14 years since 2006. I never took any medicine but I tried various things - 8 sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy with a psychologist, regular exercise, meditation, affirmations, journaling, leaving caffeine, even tried magic mushrooms (with psilocybin), etc. but this did not cure me. Hence, I spent 4 years of my life in deep misery with no end to it in sight. 
Then I talked to Monga Ji again on 12 Jan 2021. On the same day, my anxiety and depression vanished magically like they never ever happened to me. I still cannot believe that I am normal, happy and confident again! It feels like a dream!

My experience tells me that anything is possible with P3Y. Anyone can benefit from P3Y irrespective of their religion, belief and faith.

If you want to learn P3Y, you may call +91 70185 86600 but strictly between 8 am to 9:30 am (Indian Standard Time).


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