When I found my stolen phone… We never realize how much we love our stuff unless we lose it…forever! And it is loathsome that despite the “wherewithal” that the modern technology has provided us with, we are too lazy to back up our valuable data. They really need to invent some cheap robotic arms to do all the work. That day I was in my college canteen having the usual Maggi , toast and tea (this is all the vegetarian food you can hope to get in Srinagar…oh yes! We always have the “ Krishna Dhaba ”!) when in order to find a cozy corner for myself away from those prying eyes and the nasty Sun, I shifted my chair inside. On my way back to the hostel, I realized that I had got so indulged in my meal that I forgot to take my cell phone along when I shifted places in the canteen. I whisked back to the canteen only to find it missing. My worst nightmare had come true. My very sleek Nokia that would never miss anybody’s coveting eye was STOLEN! I began to question everybody around and felt ...
P3Y is the supernatural, holy power of Paramji, Alias His Holiness. It is a practical way of leading a happy and peaceful life. With P3Y, you can fulfil your own favourable desires.